Chapter 0 - Definitions
BOT 0.0 |
Office of General Counsel |
University Values, Vision, and Mission
BOT 1.1 - 1.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
President's Office and Administrative Structure
BOT 2.1 - 2.7 |
Office of General Counsel |
Academic Affairs
BOT 3.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
Academic Support Units
BOT 3.1.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
Academic Governance
BOT 3.1.4 |
Office of General Counsel |
Official Degrees
BOT 3.2 |
Office of General Counsel |
Academic Policies
BOT 3.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Personnel
BOT 4.1.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Equal Opportunity
BOT 4.1.2 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - University Responsibilities
BOT 4.1.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Disciplinary Procedure
BOT 4.1.4 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Personnel Information
BOT 4.1.5 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Conflict of Interest
BOT 4.1.6 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Emeritus Appointment
BOT 4.1.7 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Honorary Titles
BOT 4.1.8 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Verification of Credentials
BOT 4.1.9 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Obligations of Appointees
BOT 4.1.10 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Parking
BOT 4.1.11 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Keys
BOT 4.1.12 |
Office of General Counsel |
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Identification Cards
BOT 4.1.13 |
Office of General Counsel |
Faculty - Tenured and Tenure Track
BOT 4.2.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
Academic Freedom
BOT 4.2.2 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty - Kinds of Regular Academic Appointments
BOT 4.2.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Written Statement of Appointment (Including Joint Appointments)
BOT 4.2.4 - |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Rank
BOT 4.2.5 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Initial Appointment
BOT 4.2.6 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Probationary Appointments
BOT 4.2.7 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Academic Tenure
BOT 4.2.8 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Areas of Evaluation for Renewal of Probationary Appointments, Promotion, Tenure, and Periodic Performance Reviews
BOT 4.2.9 |
Office of General Counsel |
Procedures for Regular Faculty Appointment Renewal, Promotion, Tenure, and Dismissal for Adequate Cause.
BOT 4.2.10 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Applicability to Executive, Administrative, and Professional Positions and other administrative assignments.
BOT 4.2.11 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Resignation
BOT 4.2.12 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Termination Processes and Disciplinary Action
BOT 4.2.13 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Merger or Reorganization of Appointment Structures
BOT 4.2.14 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Reduction in Force
BOT 4.2.15 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Grievance Procedure
BOT 4.2.16 - 4.2.17 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Complaint Procedure
BOT 4.2.18 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Salary Administration
BOT 4.2.20 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Procedures for the Awarding of Sabbatical Leave
BOT 4.2.25 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Faculty Benefits
BOT 4.2.30 |
Office of General Counsel |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty
BOT 4.3.0 |
Office of General Counsel |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Salary Administration
BOT 4.3.2 |
Office of General Counsel |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Benefits
BOT 4.3.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Complaint Procedure
BOT 4.3.4 |
Office of General Counsel |
Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff
BOT 4.4.0 |
Office of General Counsel |
Kinds of Regular Executive, Administrative and Professional Staff Appointments
BOT 4.4.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Probationary Period
BOT 4.4.2 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Resignations
BOT 4.4.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Terminations
BOT 4.4.4 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Reduction in Force
BOT 4.4.5 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Salary Administration
BOT 4.4.6 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Complaints
BOT 4.4.7 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Grievances
BOT 4.4.8 |
Office of General Counsel |
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Benefits
BOT 4.4.9 |
Office of General Counsel |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professionals Staff
BOT 4.5.0 |
Office of General Counsel |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Appointments
BOT 4.5.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Compensable Service
BOT 4.5.2 |
Office of General Counsel |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Benefits
BOT 4.5.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
Personnel Policies for Professional Support Staff
BOT 4.6 |
Office of General Counsel |
Personnel Policies for Maintenance, Grounds, and Service Staff
BOT 4.7 |
Office of General Counsel |
Personnel Policies for Public Safety Staff
BOT 4.8 |
Office of General Counsel |
Personnel Policies for Confidential Professional Support Staff
BOT 4.9 |
Office of General Counsel |
Student Affairs
BOT 5.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Objectives
BOT 6.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Description of Fund Groups
BOT 6.2 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Financial Activities
BOT 6.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Limitations of Authority
BOT 6.4 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Audits
BOT 6.5 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Investment Management
BOT 6.6 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Debt Policy
BOT 6.7 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Interest Rate Management Agreements Policy (Swaps)
BOT 6.8 |
Office of General Counsel |
Tuition and Fees and Housing Room and Board
BOT 6.9 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Contracts
BOT 7.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Purchasing Policy
BOT 7.2 |
Business and Finance |
Finance and Administration - Travel and Meetings Policy
BOT 7.3 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Fidelity Bonds
BOT 7.4 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Facilities
BOT 7.5 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Public Safety & Parking
BOT 7.6 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Intercollegiate Athletics
BOT 7.7 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Risk Management
BOT 7.8 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Economic Development
BOT 7.9 |
Office of General Counsel |
Finance and Administration - Authorization to Approve Collective Bargaining Agreements
BOT 7.10 |
Office of General Counsel |
University Communications
BOT 8.1 - 8.4 |
Office of General Counsel |
Development Division
BOT 8.5 - 8.10 |
Office of General Counsel |
Division of People, Equity and Culture
BOT 9.1 - 9.10 |
Office of General Counsel |
Enrollment Development - Recruitment and Retention
BOT 10.1 - 10.10 |
Office of General Counsel |
Information Technology
BOT 11.1 |
Office of General Counsel |
BOT 12.1 |
Office of General Counsel |